Covenant Groups Discuss Justice and Equity in February
In February, covenant groups asked themselves hard questions about working toward “Justice and Equity” in society, UUS, and our lives. What forms does this work take, how committed are we to it, and what more can we do?
Among the challenges put to us is this provocative one: “What if the place to begin is not how do I answer these questions but who do I need to help me think them through?” No matter how much we think about solutions to poverty, unequal treatment, discrimination, etc., we might have to face the troubling thought that action based on “facts” and assumptions embedded in our positions of privilege is not as helpful as we believe. Perhaps instead we should be listening to, and engaging with, those who are most affected by these problems. Perhaps instead of telling each other what we should do for them, we should be letting them tell us and lead us.
If questions like these intrigue you, you might want to consider joining a covenant group. The Covenant Group program offers its members the opportunity to share their views and deepen their understanding of a wide range of issues while creating closer ties with other UUs. Click here to learn more!