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Free Lunch Program- offsite

May 10 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

The cornerstone of the Free Lunch Program is, “an open door, a full plate and no questions asked.” A hot meal is served six days a week at 1105 S. Gilbert Court, Iowa City. Since 1986, UUS has provided the Free Lunch meal on the second Friday of every month to about 110 guests. 

The group is lead by Bob Littlehale, Frank Wildensee, and Vicki Siefers.  There are 4 shifts available for volunteers to choose from:

  • A hot meal is prepared starting at 9 am in the kitchen at 1105 Gilbert Court.  Frank and Vicki set the menu and shop for ingredients.

  • At 10:30 am volunteers come with salad and fruit ingredients and chop up the vegetables and fruit to make salads to serve.

  • Serving starts at noon and another shift steps in to dish out the food to 100+ diners. 

  • At 12:30 the final clean up shift arrives and washes all the dishes and cleans up the kitchen.

Each shift is from one to one and a half hours long so no one has to stay all morning. To sign up to help, email or call Bob Littlehale at freelunch@uusic.org or 419-297-7812 or Frank Wildensee at wildlake@gmail.com to receive the Sign Up Genius email list. You can also donate to the lunch by offering to cover the cost of a main dish or sending a donation.


May 10
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


Free Lunch Program, 1105 S Gilbert Ct #100, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA