Covenant Groups in May
In May, covenant groups discussed a particularly rich topic—pluralism. Pluralism isn’t just about diversity, it embodies it as an idea. It’s a flashpoint in political discussions, of course. But the polarized arguments of the day might be hiding the true extent to which we live in a pluralistic society. Pushback by certain groups becomes stronger the more there is to push back against. How pluralistic do you think our country, our community, our congregation are? And what about your personal life? The May edition of Soul Matters shares this interesting perspective: “Pluralism is most often applied to conversations about communities. But it’s just as relevant to individuals. We don’t have an identity; we have identities. As Walt Whitman famously said, ‘I am large, I contain multitudes!’ But we rarely – if ever – step back to reflect on how those multitudes influence us and interact with each other… So this month spend some time getting to know your many selves, your pluralism within.”
If questions like these intrigue you, you might want to consider joining a covenant group. The covenant group program offers its members the opportunity to share their views and deepen their understanding of a wide range of issues while creating closer ties with other UUs.