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Salsa Dance Fundraiser Supports Cuban Couple Sponsored by UUS

Submitted by Sally Hartman

Join Us for a Cuban Dinner and Salsa Dancing Fundraiser

Who knew that Yoel, the Cuban immigrant that UU Society is sponsoring, is a chef?  He once made a dish for the President of Argentina, who really loved it!  Now you have a chance to experience Yoel’s chef skills and Carmen’s dessert baking on Friday, September 13. Come at 6 pm for the dinner and stay for the Salsa dancing at 7 pm.  The dinner includes a vegetarian dish.  This is a fundraiser for Carmen and Yoel!   Everyone is invited!  A free will donation is requested for the dinner and dance.  See you there! Download the flyer for this event here.

Immigration Action Team Assists Immigrant Family

UU Society Immigrant Action Team, at the Mayor’s request, recently supported an immigrant family whose home had flooded.  With contributions from the Team as well as a UUS member, we were able to assist with the needed repairs and cleanup so this family with young children was closer to moving back in their house.  Our congregation is well-known in the community for compassion and generosity. The Immigrant Action Fund could use some contributions to help buy children’s school shoes and supplies, and helping with emergencies.

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