Sunday Service
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary (200), (AV)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Microphones & Mixer, (Music)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Piano, (AV)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-YouTube LivestreamThis will be a multiplatform service, with congregants and visitors welcome to join in person or watch over YouTube Live.Make an online offering donation.A social hour follows the service, in the...
Social Hour
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)Join us after each service in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, refreshments, and conversation!
UUS Singers Rehearsal
Unitarian Universalist Society, 2355 Oakdale Rd, Coralville, IA 52241, USA, Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary (200)All are welcome to join our choir practice in the Sanctuary following most Sunday services! Questions? Contact Music Director Andrew Bryant at
Youth Group
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Oak Room (Sr. High) (15)4th-6th Grade OWL
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Maple Room (3-4 grade) (15)7th-9th Grade OWL
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Hickory Room (Jr. High) (15)PaC of OWLs
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Oak Room (Sr. High) (15)"PaC of OWLs" (Parents and Caregivers of OWL students) Occasionally we are able to offer space for the parents and caregivers of OWL students to join together in community.This is not required, but simply a space...
Iowa Interfaith Power & Light Conference
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary (200), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Kitchen (10), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Conference Room (15) , Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Labyrinth (20), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Trails (100), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Back Patio (50), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-RE Garden, Stage, and Playscape (50)Join with Google Meet: Or dial: (US) +1 678-667-8462 PIN: 616332595# More phone numbers: Learn more about Meet at:
Rental: Madrigal Practice
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)Men’s Sunday Social
2 Dogs Pub 1705 S 1st Ave, Iowa CityUUS adult men are invited to gather together the first Sunday of most months from 6 to 8 pm to socialize in a casual setting. Members and Friends are welcome....