UUS Board Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Conference Room (15) , Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom A (100)

The UUS Board of Trustees holds a meeting, open to all members, each month at 7 pm on the third Wednesday. Look for an agenda in the weekly email or...

UUS Board Meeting

The UUS Board of Trustees holds a meeting, open to all members, each month at 7 pm on the third Wednesday. Look for an agenda in the weekly email or...

Sunday Service

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary (200), (AV)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Microphones & Mixer, (Music)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Piano, (AV)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-YouTube Livestream

Join us for a General Assembly worship service.This will be a multiplatform service, with congregants and visitors welcome to join in person or watch over YouTube Live.Make an online offering donation.A...

Social Hour

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)

Join us after each service in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, refreshments, and conversation!

Nature Camp

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-RE Commons (30), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Labyrinth (20), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Trails (100), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Back Patio (50), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-RE Garden, Stage, and Playscape (50), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Community Garden (30)

UU Buddhist Sangha

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom B (100)

The virtual Buddhist Sangha meeting takes place weekly, on Mondays, from 7 to 8:30 pm, with social time before the meeting at 6:45.While you can join in Zoom with audio and...
