Sunday Service

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary (200), (AV)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Microphones & Mixer, (Music)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Piano, (AV)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-YouTube Livestream

Shaping Our Search for Meaning: Unitarian Universalist James Luther Adams was one of the most influential theologians and philosophers of the 20th century. Join us for this all ages service as we mark Transgender Awareness Week and Trans Day of Remembrance, learn about the 5 smooth stones of religious liberalism, the priesthood and prophethood of...

Children’s Choir Rehearsal

(Music)-Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary Piano

Join with Google Meet: Or dial: (US) +1 813-370-0590 PIN: 934546225# More phone numbers: Learn more about Meet at:

All Ages RE

Green Sanctuary will be leading a discussion on "Sustainable Gift Giving" in the Atrium.Green Sanctuary will be leading a "Sustainable Gift Craft" in the Fellowship Hall.On the 3rd Sunday of each month, following our All Ages service, we will have All Ages Religious Education.Each month, there will be at least three diverse activities to choose...

Social Hour- FH

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)

Social Hour

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)

Join us after each service in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, refreshments, and conversation!

UUS Singers Rehearsal

Unitarian Universalist Society, 2355 Oakdale Rd, Coralville, IA 52241, USA, Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Sanctuary (200)

All are welcome to join our choir practice in the Sanctuary following most Sunday services! Questions? Contact Director of Congregational Music Emily Pritchard at


Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Back Patio (50), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Kitchen (10), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)

For Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, celebrants wear their finest clothes, illuminate the interior and exterior of their homes with diyas and rangoli, perform worship ceremonies of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and wealth (by some people), light fireworks, and participate in family feasts, where sweets and gifts are shared. Members of the Suchona...

UUS Men’s Sharing Circle

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Hickory Room (Jr. High) (15) , Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Oak Room (Sr. High) (15)

All adult UUS members and friends who identify as male are invited to join us to our monthly sharing circle. You are invited to share your joys and sorrows, practice deep listening, and offer support when asked for, all in a confidential environment. We will meet in the Hickory & Oak Rooms at UUS on the...

Sound Bath Meditation

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Hickory Room (Jr. High) (15) , Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Oak Room (Sr. High) (15)

This is the season for quietening, going within to refresh and replenish duringthese winter months. Join Tina McCoy for a mini-retreat from the distractionsand busy-ness of life in an immersive sound meditative bath.The unique sound experience offers a peaceful respite to enjoy feelings ofrelaxation and serenity. This is your time to reconnect with heart and...