UU Buddhist Sangha

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom B (100)

The virtual Buddhist Sangha meeting takes place weekly, on Mondays, from 7 to 8:30 pm, with social time before the meeting at 6:45. While you can join in Zoom with audio and video if you want to just join with audio and chat messaging that works great as well. (Link to Join, Meeting ID: 488 251 282,...

Racial Justice Team

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom A (100)

The Racial Justice Team strives to educate ourselves through various venues (reading, discussion, media, programs). We meet at 7 pm on the 1st Thursday of each month. With goals to further anti-racism, we hope to equip ourselves to be allies standing in solidarity with communities of color. Join us on our journey!  Watch for updates in...