Social Hour
Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)Join us after each service in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, refreshments, and conversation!
Join us after each service in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, refreshments, and conversation!
Jungle Book
The virtual Buddhist Sangha meeting takes place weekly, on Mondays, from 7 to 8:30 pm, with social time before the meeting at 6:45.While you can join in Zoom with audio and...
Jungle Book
Due to weather rescheduling the normal meeting time, the UUMystics will gather Tuesday, July 16 at 7 pm in the conference room to continue our deep sharing and exploration of “Spiritual...
Jungle Book
The UUS Board of Trustees holds a meeting, open to all members, each month at 7 pm on the third Wednesday. Look for an agenda in the weekly email or...
The UUS Board of Trustees holds a meeting, open to all members, each month at 7 pm on the third Wednesday. Look for an agenda in the weekly email or...