UU Buddhist Sangha – CANCELLED for LABOR DAY

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom B (100)

The virtual Buddhist Sangha meeting takes place weekly, on Mondays, from 7 to 8:30 pm, with social time before the meeting at 6:45.While you can join in Zoom with audio and video if you want to just join with audio and chat messaging that works great as well. (Link to Join, Meeting ID: 488 251 282, Passcode:...

Governance Committee-Zoom B

Virtual, Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom B (100)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ton-xutb-qeb Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720

Prison Ministry Team- C

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Conference Room (15)

The UUS Prison Ministry Team would like to invite you to our monthly meeting at 7 pm on the first Tuesday of each month, in the UUS Conference Room. The Prison Ministry Team endeavors to become informed advocates for justice and build relationships to decrease isolation of those confined in the Iowa justice system. This...

Pastoral Care Team – Zoom M, Hickory

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Hickory Room (Jr. High) (15)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/uxc-zhbu-zuq Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720

Leadership Development Committee- Zoom A

Virtual, Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom A (100)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/wpv-rwgw-uce Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720

UU Mystics

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Conference Room (15) , Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Zoom B (100)

UUMystics will gather on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 pm in the conference room to continue our deep sharing and exploration of “Spiritual Awakening” and other related topics. Our community is self-directed with shared leadership.If you wish to participate and cannot be present, please use join us over Zoom (Link to Join, Meeting ID: 826 8770 0792,...

Rental – LWV

Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Kitchen (10), Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Fellowship Hall (250)

First Thursday Covenant Group

Virtual, Unitarian Universalist Society-1-Oak Room (Sr. High) (15)

This covenant group meets in person