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From Your Membership Coordinator

Victoria Huitt, Membership Coordinator

We are underway with the new year here at UUS. We had a vibrant and fun Opportunities Fair and to kick off the church year! We look forward to new activities and friendships as we get involved with any of the opportunities we discovered.

We are assessing our new Pathways to Membership process we put into place last year and have used to acclimate prospective members. So far it is working well in introducing our prospective members to the wealth of activities and ways to live out our UU values. We are so grateful to all who have volunteered to be Congregational Connectors to people in the Pathways to Membership process.

Not sure what that is? A Congregational Connector is a church member who is willing to be a guide to our congregational community and all the activities, groups, and opportunities there are to participate in and to answer questions and make introductions. The recommendation is for a minimum of 2 visits between Connector and a prospective member, and can be in person, online, via phone, here at the church or out in the community. We are still looking for volunteers to be on our Congregational Connector list. If you are interested, please reach out to me. At this point, we have a growing list which would mean you might be asked one or two times a year to do this connecting with someone in the Pathways to Membership process.

And October 20th is our next New Member Ceremony. We will be posting new member bio information starting in October so be watching for that and be ready to celebrate our newest members to our community after the service Sunday, October 20th.

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