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From Your Minister

Rev. Diana Smith

Dear Ones,

As we move into August, many of us are enjoying the last bits of summer even as we look forward to the new year beginning. I’m getting excited about the 2024 – 25 congregational year!

Over the summer, many staff and members have been gathering to discuss programming for the new year. Plans are still being solidified, but our Vision of Shared Ministry, which you can read about next in this newsletter, is giving us valuable and exciting guidance.

Vision of Shared Ministry

The Vision of Shared Ministry for the 2024-2025 congregational year is now available. The UUS Board and staff members came together in June to develop this Vision of Shared Ministry, and it was adopted at the July 2024 board meeting. This year’s Vision of Ministry retains themes from last year… Read More Here.

I can already tell you that our Ingathering water communion and backpack blessing worship service will be on August 25. It will be followed by a festival with games, treats, and lots of fun. Our annual opportunities fair, where you can learn more about ways to get involved at UUS, will be on September 8. I hope you’ll save the dates on your calendar now and join us for both.

I’m also excited about some new staff who will be joining us in the coming weeks. August 25, in addition to Ingathering, will also be the day our new ministerial intern, Bridget Laflin, joins us. Bridget will be with us through late May 2025 completing this important part of her training to become a Unitarian Universalist minister. Bridget received her Master of Divinity from Seattle University, and her B.A. from the University of Minnesota. She is currently the Director of Lifespan Religious Education for First Unitarian Universalist Church in San Antonio, TX and previously served as the Director of Religious Education at Woodinville UU Church in Woodinville, WA.

In late July or early August you may also begin to see two Johnson County Interfaith Coalition (JCIC) staff around UUS. Lakeisha Jackson is JCIC’s administrative assistant and Rev. Ryan Russell is JCIC’s facilitator/trainer. UUS, which has long been a member of JCIC, is serving as JCIC’s administrative and fiscal agent. We’re excited to help JCIC build its capacity as it works to create justice and equality, especially for people of color in Johnson County.

Finally, I’ll be on vacation from July 29 – August 11. During that time, I’ll be camping in Yellowstone. Please contact the Pastoral Care Associates for pastoral emergencies and the appropriate staff person for other needs. I’ll begin going through voicemail and email messages when I return on August 12.

As we move into the last part of summer, may you continue to create spaces to nurture your mind, heart, spirit, and body so that you may enter the new year rejuvenated.

Love and Blessings,
Rev. Diana

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