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May Free Lunch Report

By Vicki Siefers

On May 10, many UUS volunteers served a baked potato bar, green and fruit salads and cookies to 97 diners and 26 take out meals. The meal was greatly appreciated. This month’s meal was donated by Bonnie Penno in honor of Mother’s Day.

Working in the kitchen this month were: Barb Haring, Gene McCracken, Bob Littlehale, Frank Wildensee, Russ Lenth, Laurie Cubit, Joy Thompson, Theresa Ullerich, Bonnie Penno, John Elson, Gare Calhoun, and Carrie Z Norton. Many others donated food for the salads and desserts.

The UUS group has been saving money by cooking meals on-site and this month we were able to make a donation of $500 out of our account thanks to donors covering our meals. The check was presented to Diane Platte by Bob Littlehale, Vicki Siefers, and Frank Wildensee, and Bob matched the $500 for a total donation of $1000 to the Iowa City Free Lunch Program. UUS is very proud to support this program to combat food insecurity in our community. Our contribution goes to help support the fixed costs at the kitchen including staffing, utilities and use of the kitchen.

Congregational members also have the opportunity to donate to the ICFLP during the month of May when we pass the plate during the service.  Thanks for all your donations!  In June, Dave Jepsen will be donating the meal in memory of Mary Jepsen.

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