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Opportunities Fair Sept 8th, 2024

Victoria Huitt, Membership Coordinator

Opportunities Fair Sunday, September 8th

September is right around the corner, and it has been customary for us to have an “Opportunities Fair” as the new liturgical year begins.  It is scheduled for Sunday, September 8th following the worship service, and it will be held in the Fellowship hall.

The purpose of the fair is to inform/remind UUSIC members and friends of our many opportunities here in our congregation for rewarding and fulfilling involvement.  This is a great time to ‘pitch’ your group and to add members!

If you would like your interest group or committee to participate, please request a table from Maya Yoder;  admin@uusic.org by Wednesday, September 4th at noon.

Otherwise, please plan to attend and learn about all of the great things happening as we start the new church year.

Get involved, learn, have fun, volunteer, meet regularly with a small group or all of the above!

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