
Upcoming September Sunday Services

September 3, 2023

“Life is all about balance, and I fall down putting my pants on.” We hear constant messaging about work-like balance and how we must work to live not live to work. What does that mean in today’s society where everything appears “on” 24/7. How do we ensure we are allowing for self-care and self-compassion? Tending to our spiritual and emotional needs as well as our financial? Is Capitalism driving detrimental and insistent messaging if as UUs we are called to create Beloved Community? Balance is important but perhaps the idea of doing-being should guide our desire to be present in the moment, not multi-tasking (which isn’t actually real) and being busy. This exploration will serve to dive into the idea of balance and what they might look like for everyone of us juggling multiple roles, ideas, commitments and jobs today. Are we authentically showing up…how, where and when we need to have fulfilling lives of love, friendship and meaning or is the one with the most toys the winner. UUS member Quanda Hood preaching.

Join us in person or via YouTube live stream.

September 10, 2023

Welcome and Belonging: What is a congregation? How is the space we create here a counter-cultural one that creates more space for us to be who we are without cutting off parts of ourselves to get or keep access to privilge? How can we cultivate this kind of space for each other? Join us to explore and celebrate the many ways we can cultivate communities of welcome and belonging here at UUS and in the wider community. Rev. Diana Smith preaching.

Join us in person or via YouTube live stream.

September 17th

Nourishing Resilience: Join us for a special All Ages worship service as we explore UUS’s Vision of Ministry for the 2023-24 congregational year: Cultivating welcoming, hospitality, and homecoming; Nourishing resilience; and Nourishing our congregation’s health. We’ll reflect on what this could mean in each of our lives and how we can help live into this vision of ministry as a congregation. We’ll also begin exploring one of the open questions that the Board of Trustees will be discussing with the congregation this year. After the worship service, we will have All Ages religious education. Each month on the 3rd Sunday, after our All Ages worship service, there will be at least three diverse activities to choose from that will engage participants in the theme for the month. This month, for the discussion activity the Board of Trustees will be leading open questions discussions. There will also be an art, craft, or hands-on activity and music, meditation, and more activity. Rev. Diana Smith preaching.

Join us in person or via YouTube live stream.

September 24, 2023

Growing Our Story: We’ll kick off our annual stewardship campaign with a special worship service about the seeds of our heritage, our hopes for the future, and what we are bringing to growing our story as a congregation. Learn more about the stewardship campaign at https://uusic.org/2024-stewardship-campaign. Rev. Diana Smith preaching.

Join us in person or via YouTube live stream.

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