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UU Buddhist Sangh Nov:Dec

David Quegg

The UUSIC Sangha will bring its study and practice to Zen Buddhism, a form of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the experience of enlightenment, or satori, through the practice of meditation. The goal of Zen meditation is to still the mind and allow the practitioner to see things clearly, without the distorting effects of thoughts and emotions. According to a definition published on the BBC website,

“The essence of Zen Buddhism is achieving enlightenment by seeing one’s original mind (or original nature) directly; without the intervention of the intellect.”

BBC Website

Our happiness depends on acquiring a clear mind and a calm heart.  A number of well-know Zen titles will be read individually and shared in discussions highlighting seven Zenn Buddist tenets.  A book list will be posted to the Buddhist group on Realm. For info on attendance:

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