UUMystics Monthly Gathering
UUMystics will gather on Wednesday, December 4 at 7pm (the first Wednesday of each month unless otherwise notified) in the conference room to continue our deep sharing and exploration of “Spiritual Awakening” and related topics. As we wrap up our current exploration of “What happens when we die?,” we will discuss various possible topics for moving forward. The possibilities are vast and exciting. Please bring your thoughts and ideas.
We are a community of Spiritual seekers under the UUA & UUS umbrella, and we welcome your energy and presence and sharing. Bring your whole self and help us co-create something meaningful and perhaps mystical. Our UUMystics community is self-directed with shared leadership.
Reminders: If you have a favorite object that is sacred to you, please bring it for our altar (you take it back home) and, if you wish, a favorite, brief quote you’d like to share during check-in.
If you wish to participate and cannot be present, please join us over Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82687700792?pwd=ZEJ1akZJbW1tUWwzOHNEVHNlUFE1QT09
Meeting ID: 826 8770 0792 | Passcode: 218927
We welcome your presence and input as we co-create this Spiritual Awakening adventure together. If you have questions or wish to be removed from the mailing list, you may contact: miriam.kashia@gmail.com (please put UUMystics on the subject line).